Keeping Yrou Dog Healthy Enough To Survive The Zombie Apocalypse

If the zombie apocalypse happens you will of course want to make sure your best friend is cared for. This may not be as easy as you think when you consider all of the challenges you and your dog may face in the midst of a zombie apocalypse (or another type of major disaster). This article will offer you some very helpful tips on some of the things that you can do in order to better prepare yourself and your dog for anything that may come, so you know that your dog will remain safe and healthy.

Make sure your dog is fixed

The last thing you want to deal with during a zombie apocalypse is a dog having puppies, or one taking care of a litter. Not only is this more responsibility that you are going to need to deal with, but it also means you have to feed your dog more, give them more water throughout the day, make sure the dog and the puppies have a safe and warm place where they can sleep and make sure nothing can get to them. Also, an unfixed dog will be harder to keep control of. They tend to run off more and are at an increased chance of getting in fights.

Keep your dog vaccinated

You want to be sure you have done everything in your power to decrease your dog's chances of catching something. Keeping your dog fully vaccinated can significantly cut down on the various illnesses that you need to worry about. You should take your dog in annually to get their booster shots. This way, you will know that they are fully covered when and if the zombie apocalypse happens.

Take good care of your dog's dental health

It's very important that you don't neglect your dog's teeth. Especially in the midst of a possible zombie invasion, your dog may need their teeth more than ever. Not only will you want to make sure they will be able to protect the both of you, but they may also need to eat things that they normally don't when their life is a bit calmer. You can purchase a toothbrush and toothpaste that have been designed for a dog's teeth and use them regularly.

You can keep your dog much healthier and increase their chances of making it through a zombie apocalypse by following these tips. Take your dog in to see the Bayshore Animal Hospital & Bird Practice for help with these, or any other, issues.

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